If your child has been diagnosed with asthma it is critical that parents and guardians complete the ECFS Asthma Form. The information provided in this plan will provide your divisional nurses with standing orders from your child's physician for both routine care purposes and for managing acute asthma attacks.
This information includes:
The type, dosage, and indications for medication administration;
Repeat or supplemental administration;
Exercise information;
Self-administration information.
When do the nurses need my child's prescription medication?
Prescription medication used for acute asthma attacks emergencies or during the routine course of the school day should be provided to the divisional nurse's office no later than Friday, September 20, 2024.
Can my child carry their own inhaler?
Students in Fieldston Middle and Fieldston Upper can carry and self-administer their meter-dosed inhalers when granted parent permission on their Asthma Form. By granting your child permission, the parent certifies that the child is an independent administrator of their medication including timing and technique and assumes all liability related to its use.
Students in Ethical Culture and Fieldston Lower students are not permitted to carry prescribed inhalers until determined by parents, your child's physician, and the school nurse.

Stock Albuterol
In accordance with NYS DOE policy, the School does carry stock albuterol for use by students. The purpose of such stock is to ensure the medication is available when the student needs it should their own prescribed albuterol run out before the parent/guardian can provide a replacement.
In order for a student to use the stock medication they must have:
A patient-specific order from their provider for albuterol that also authorizes the use of the school’s stock albuterol.
Written parent/guardian consent for the stock albuterol to be administered to or taken by their child.
A spacer slows down the medicine delivered from a metered-dose inhaler. This way the medicine stays in the spacer and your child can breathe it into her lungs. Without a spacer, the medicine sprays directly into your child’s mouth and throat, and less of it reaches the lungs. A spacer is also called an aerosol-holding chamber.
AeroChamber® and OptiChamber® are examples of a spacer.
You should try to give your child her inhaled medicine with a spacer whenever possible. This is the most effective way to deliver the medicine.
A spacer should always be used when your child is taking corticosteroid inhaler. When corticosteroid medicine is sprayed directly into the mouth, the medicine deposits in the mouth and throat. This can lead to irritation and sometimes infection in the mouth.
Each child should have her own spacer. Do not share spacers with other children.
Off-Campus Trips
Nurse Dependent Students
In order to ensure continuity of care during off-campus trips, parents/guardians may attend field trips with their nurse-dependent or nurse-supervised child. Schools cannot require parents/guardians to attend.
If a parent/guardian cannot attend, they may choose to appoint a parent designee who is a friend or family member to act in their place and administer any needed medications to their child at a single event or field trip. The appointment of a parent designee is the choice of the parent/guardian and school personnel may not require a parent/guardian to appoint one. To appoint a designee, families should fill out this form and return it to their divisional nurse's office.
If a licensed health professional is not available to attend the trip to meet the health needs of a student or students, and the parent(s)/guardian(s) choose not to attend or appoint a designee, then the field trip is to be canceled rather than exclude a student due to their health needs consistent with Federal Laws.
Nurse Supervised Students
Oversight of medication self-administration by Supervised Students may be delegated to trained unlicensed school personnel such as a medical technician, teacher, or school-wide assistant. Such personnel would be appropriately instructed by a licensed school nurse to assist a self-directed student. Each student should have a written emergency action plan for personnel to follow in the event of an emergency or they are unable to contact the licensed school nurse for questions. Consistent with good practice, the employee’s willingness to perform the task will be considered in making the assignment.
Independent Students
Pursuant to Article 19 §916, 916-a, 916-b Independent Students with provider orders and attestation, and written parent/guardian consent may carry and self-administer their own rescue medications for insulin, glucagon, and related diabetes supplies at school-sponsored events or trips.
Understanding Asthma
How to Use an Inhaler