Prescription Medications
If your child requires prescription medications during the course of the school day is is critical that parents and guardians complete the ECFS Prescription Medication Form.
The legal requirements listed below for the administration of prescription medication to students by the school nurse or designee must be followed.
A prescription form (original or photocopy) for medication from a licensed prescriber stating the student’s name, medication, dosage and approximate time to be given.
The medication must be in the original pharmacy labeled container.
Written permission by the parents or legal guardian for the administration of the medication.
Please note that students are not permitted to carry controlled substances in school.
Where can I learn more about prescription medication administration in schools?
Families are encouraged to read the NYSED Guidelines for Medication Management in Schools to understand the obligations of the school, students, and families as it relates to prescription medication administration, documentation, training, storage, and communication.
Can nonlicensed school staff administer medication?
Families are encouraged to review the Guide to Determining Levels of Assistance in Medication Delivery for additional information.